Online Learning with LCF Englishzone

Content Overview

Englishzone is a collection of hundreds of online activities and educational resources that help children aged 3 to 11 years old to learn English as a foreign language and provide teachers with audio visual and interactive materials to facilitate teaching.

Englishzone offers listening, speaking, reading and writing resources to learners in order to develop understanding of the English language and to provide tools for communication at primary level.
Teachers are offered many presentations and audio visual materials to construct effective lessons focusing on particular vocabulary or grammar topics.

The approach is fun, lively and caters for different learning styles in order to engage every learner.

Resources within Practicezone, Grammarzone and Juniorzone are graded according to the Common European Framework Reference (when applicable). The content of Englishzone is aligned to the CEFR’s levels (Common European Framework of Reference for languages) and currently caters for levels: “Pre-A1” to “A2” (Elementary to Pre-intermediate) .

Quick links to information about each zone: Practicezone Grammarzone Picturezone Phonicszone Juniorzone

Usability – Englishzone has been designed by teachers for easy use in the classroom

Englishzone - Practice, Phonics, Grammar, Pictures and Juniors.

Within PRACTICEZONE, activities are organised in 12 Topics + Holidays & Festivals

Practicezone Units
  1. I can speak English
  2. All about me
  3. Family
  4. Animals
  5. My Birthday
  6. The world around me
  7. My school
  8. I would like...
  9. Sports
  10. Clothes
  11. Where I live
  12. I Travel
  13. Holidays and Festivals

GRAMMARZONE presents activities clearly organised, focusing on specific grammatical points

Grammarzone Levels

Together with an aide-memoire of the CEFR for teachers, one area of the site is dedicated to preparing for the Cambridge Young Learners Examinations (Currently “Flyers”).

PICTUREZONE contains a wealth of visual resources for both teachers and students,
once again divided into sub-topics for ease of use.

The sub-topics are 'People and jobs', 'Food', 'Landmarks and Places', 'In Town',
'Shopping', 'Transport', 'Leisure and Holidays', 'Miscellaneous' and 'Cross Curricular'.


PHONICSZONE a complete audio/visual course with exercises

Phonicszone EFL

Phonicszone is complemented by the Teachers Coursebook LCF Phonics Extra

The aims of LCF Englishzone are:

  • To encourage positive attitudes to the learning of a foreign language
  • To promote communicative language competences:
    • linguistic competence (lexical, grammatical, phonological and orthographic)
    • sociolinguistic competences (registers of language)
    • pragmatic (functional)
  • To increase children’s intercultural understanding
  • To develop children’s confidence and enjoyment in communicating with a foreign language

Englishzone content is suitable for use with interactive whiteboards and individual computers or laptops:

  • The interactive stories and songs are designed with controls that enable users (teachers or individual students) to view / listen to them at their own pace.
  • The interactive games are mostly “untimed” and can be played by a whole class group with teams or students individually and in pairs.
  • Downloadable sound bites (MP3 format) enable teachers to create their own listening activities.
  • Downloadable transcripts and worksheets (PDF format) enable learners to complete short and relevant tasks at home or in school; offer teachers written language support and resources to build their own reading and writing activities.
  • Downloadable coloured flashcards (PDF format) are relevant to the narrative content and can be used in many ways: displayed on screen for lesson starters, games and plenaries / printed and cut for offline activities.


Juniorzone - Resources for levels A2-B1 / Learners aged 11 to 16.
First phase of Development = Equivalent to Key Stage 3 in UK (11 to 14 year olds) = Pre-intermediate towards Intermediate levels

Juniorzone Topics

Juniorzone topics:

  1. Survival Kit
  2. You, them and me
  3. At home with my family, and other animals
  4. The world around us, other cultures
  5. Eat well to live well
  6. Life at school
  7. Urban and rural environments
  8. Sports and leisure, going out
  9. Travel, transport, on holidays
  10. Shopping, money
  11. A year in festivals
  12. Work and society
  13. All songs and poems
  14. All stories and dialogues
  15. All graded tests
  16. Cross-curricular ideas

Coming Soon

  • Progress tracking and reporting (online tool for teachers)
  • Mini-Tests/Worksheets can be completed online rather than downloaded and then can be saved, by class, for review at the teachers convenience

Technical Requirements for LCF Englishzone

LCF Englishzone is a web based resource and requires only an internet connection from a computer.

Content is created in the following format:

  • Flash
  • HTML
  • PDF
  • MP3
  • FLV Video

The content is available online with the exception of resources in PDF or MP3 format that can be downloaded.

The computer requires a web browser installed and one that supports Adobe Flash files. LCF recommends Mozilla Firefox. Adobe Acrobat Reader is also required for PDF files. Mozilla and Adobe software is available as open source (free) downloads.